Current Affairs

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

The Two-State Delusion: Israel and Palestine - A Tale of Two Narratives

O'Malley, Padraig (Get this book)
A thoughtful autopsy of the failed two-state paradigm.Having worked to promote peace within conflicts in Northern Ireland, South Africa and Iraq, O'Malley carefully sifts through the intractable coexistence between the Palestinians and Israelis and finds both sides so traumatized by the "narrative" of their respective struggle that they are unable to view the other with respect or humanity. O'Malley is not hopeful but rather disgusted that the two sides seem to be entrenched in their mutual hatred and absolutely unwilling to budge. To do so, he writes, requires establishing a "parity of esteem for each other's narratives" and then perhaps a long cease-fire that would allow a new generation of leaders to step up. Evenhanded, diplomatic, mutually respectful and enormously useful.--Kirkus

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