Current Affairs

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ron Paul's Revolution: The Man and the Movement He Inspired

By Brian Doherty        Find This Book

"Paul, a congressman from Texas, has political views that are not exactly in alignment with either of the two major parties. He takes what is generally considered a liberal position on the war on drugs and war in the Middle East but a decidedly conservative stance on ending income taxes, the IRS, and the Federal Reserve. An obstetrician and air force veteran, Paul is a follower of libertarians, most prominently F. A. Hayek. Doherty, himself a libertarian and the author of This Burning Man (2004), met Paul during his first run for the presidency in 1988 under the Libertarian Party banner and portrays a man who is difficult to define politically and who is frank and honest to the point of political suicide. In a debate with Rudy Giuliani during the 2008 presidential contest, Paul called the 9/11 terrorist attack a reaction to the provocation of American involvement in the Middle East. Noting Paul's enormously diverse followers, Doherty compares Paul to Barry Goldwater and Eugene McCarthy as he argues that Paul and his free-market liberation ideals will have a lasting impact on American politics."   (Booklist)

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