O'Malley, Padraig (Get this book)
A thoughtful autopsy of the failed two-state paradigm. In a work of
impeccable research, featuring extensive footnotes and employing
interviews of both Palestinians and Israelis, O'Malley addresses the
sticking points on both sides that form the "addiction" by each to an
"ethos of conflict": the omission of the Islamist, Gaza-based Hamas from
the peacemaking process, thus ignoring the "elephant in the room";
Israel's refusal to allow Palestinian refugees or their descendants a
"right to return" after the wars of 1947-1949; continued Israeli
settlements by a ultraorthodox minority bent on "messianic zealotry"; a
highly problematic economic sustainability in Palestine due to the
"asymmetry of power" with Israel; and the "silently creeping, inexorably
irreversible changes in Israel's demographic profiles"—namely, fewer
Jews and more Palestinians. Evenhanded, diplomatic, mutually respectful and enormously
useful. --Kirkus