"Hailed by Rush Limbaugh as "the most compelling defense of freedom for our time," and "the necessary book of the Obama era" by "The American Spectator, "Mark R. Levin's "Liberty and Tyranny "made the most persuasive case for conservatism and against statism in a generation. In this most crucial time, this leading conservative thinker explores the psychology, motivations, and history of the utopian movement, its architects, and its modern-day disciples--and how the individual and American society are being devoured by it.
Levin asks, what is this utopian force that both allures a free people and destroys them? Levin digs deep into the past and draws astoundingly relevant parallels to contemporary America from
Plato's "Republic"""
Thomas More's "Utopia"""
Thomas Hobbes's "Leviathan"""
Karl Marx's "Communist Manifesto"""
. . . as well as from the critical works of John Locke, Charles Montesquieu, Alexis de Tocqueville, and other philosophical pioneers who brilliantly diagnosed the nature of man and government. As Levin meticulously pursues his subject, the reader joins him in an enlightening and compelling journey. And in the end, Levin's message is clear: the American republic is in great peril. The people must now choose between utopianism or liberty." (Publisher Marketing) Check Our Catalog